Friday, January 9, 2015


Hands up is better than hand our!

Please think again before you give something to beggars on the street especially kids who ask you to buy milk powder for the baby who he or she carrying with. It's just a SCAM!

Milk powder will sell back to another shop with cheaper price than they make money!

If you want to help poor people, try to find a better way than hand out something to them directly because it's the way to create more begging culture and make jealousy between people or families.

Education is the best way to break the poverty so you should find more information about some organizations who are working with this program and help poor people through them by donate books, school materials and what ever you think helpful to this program.

Some orphanages and organizations are not reliable so check more information about them or better see them directly then you will see how they generate fund to program. 

Better buy goods from adults

Siem Reap has known as the most touristic city of Cambodia. When ever you go to visit temples you will see a lot of kids selling post cards and some other stuffs. It's not a good way to buy goods from kids because it's like you encourage more kids to sell goods to the tourists.

You will ask why you can't buy goods from kids?

==> When you buy goods from a kid then parents of that kid and the other kids will think that kids can attract tourists to buy goods from them so they will ask all of their kids to sell that everyday and some of them might ask their kids to stop for a few days from school or give up the school to help them selling goods. Or some of the kids will think the same that they can earn a lot of money easily from selling goods then they stop going to school by themselves.

If this make sense to you please share it to your friends!

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